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If you have any questions, please contact the Church Office:
Support Our Ministries
Flower Dedications
Altar flower dedications are a beautiful way to remember and celebrate our lives, from people to achievements. We encourage you to participate in providing the altar flowers in celebration of an anniversary or event, or in remembrance of a passed loved one, by donating to the Altar Flower Fund.
Donations are $100 per week, and can be done online or in the weekly offering.
OC Rescue Mission
The OC Rescue Mission is an independent non-profit organization that strives to minister the love of Jesus Christ to the vulnerable in our Community through the provision of assistance in the areas of guidance, counseling, education, job training, shelter, food, clothing, health care and independent living communities.
We regularly partner with OCRM through our seasonal food drives and ongoing donations from Parishioners as they feel led. To financially support the OCRM, please select “OC Rescue Mission” in the Fund dropdown.
Pipe Organ Fund
We have begun restoration on a historic pipe organ that is the kind of instrument that fits our tradition—and befits the excellence of our music program under the direction of our Organist Choirmaster David Simmons. We believe this pipe organ restoration and installation is an important project for the long-term development of our music ministries. To follow the restoration process and journey home to us, click here. To contribute, click the button below and select “Organ Fund” in the Fund dropdown.
North County Mission
Tasting the goodness of God necessarily, organically, and authentically leads us outward on mission. We must have a real experience of God, without which we can offer no sincere invitation.
Believing deeply that we are called to extend outward the peace which we have received from Christ, we are growing a new mission church in Fullerton, CA. We desire to cultivate a place where God is worshiped, where hearts are converted, and where people experience spiritual growth.
For those of you desiring to support St. Thomas Mission financially, please click the button below.
Give to Mama Mirriam
Set amid a thriving winelands industry, Mama Mirriam Toni cares for the discarded children of Paarl, Western Cape, South Africa. Children who have been abused, abandoned, and in some cases left for dead on the street. They find their way to her loving arms through the police, community members, and social workers. Donations cover the ongoing cost of feeding, housing, medical costs and general caring for the growing number of children in her home. Contributions can be made online by clicking the button below and selecting the “Mama Mirriam” Fund.
Global Missions
St. Matthew’s partners with several overseas missions to support their work abroad. Alongside the DHT, our Parish currently supports the efforts of Bishop Wilson in South Sudan, Bishop Steven in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mama Mirriam’s orphan ministry in South Africa, as well as ministries in Haiti and Pakistan.
To support these global ministries, you can choose to designate your gift to the general “Missions (DHT)” in the Fund dropdown.
Building Fund
The Building Fund is designated for developing the St. Matthew's campus. In the past, generous donations to this Fund have enabled us to expand seating in the church, to build the beautiful pavilions and courtyard, and most recently to build the glass walls of the pavilions to enhance their beauty and make them more usable for classes and events. Please consider giving to the Building Fund as an investment in the physical presence of our church community in Newport Beach for years to come.