Posts tagged humanity
A Beginner’s Guide to “Why God Became Man” (Part 1)

Martin Thornton said of St. Anselm of Canterbury that he “occupies a place in English spirituality not unlike that of Chaucer in English letters. He is the father-founder who first brought all the essential elements together, who gave the school its clear character and stamp. In Anselm, English spiritual theology is embodied and potentially formed; formed as a young man who still needs to mature but who is no longer a child” (English Spirituality, 156). Anselm was a Benedictine monk who occupied the Archbishopric of Canterbury during the tumultuous period following the Norman Conquest at the end of the 11th Century. Like many in the English school of Catholic theology, his writings were imaginative if not always precise.

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Introducing the first in a series exploring various heresies that have plagued Christianity throughout the centuries. Many of the tenants of the Faith which we now take for granted began as antidotes to these heresies. For example, the Nicene Creed was the result of the Church describing as best it could what it understood about God as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Now the Creed doesn’t define God explicitly, it basically says in essence, this is what we know, as limited as it is, about God and anything that strays outside the lines from this, is in error.

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