Happy Epiphanytide to all! In the season of Epiphany, we commemorate and celebrate the manifestation of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, when salvation was opened to all mankind. As the collect states, we now know Christ through faith because of his Epiphany: put in the immortal words of our beloved late Fr. David Brounstein, “It’s [our] big day!”
Read MoreOne of the great questions in the Church’s understanding of Christ concerns the properties of His resurrected Body. From the time Jesus exits the tomb, there is something evidently different about His embodied life from how it existed prior to His Resurrection. The Evangelists take special care to demonstrate that Jesus continues to have a body, that His body is continuous in some ways with the body the disciples had known before the Passion; yet His body now possesses new properties that begin to reveal and oblige a new relationship that Christ will have with His disciples as He ascends to the Father and the Spirit comes upon them. For the final entry in our series on mystagogy, then, we turn to the sense of ‘touch’ and its place in our worship of the risen Lord.
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